Priorities & policies

Advocating for Members and the Industry

The Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) vision is for a thriving and trusted Australian food, beverage and grocery supply industry, delivering jobs, economic growth and helping people live well.

The industry is considered strategic, critical and essential to the Australian economy, delivering growth and employment, with certainty for employees, investors and government.

As an independent advocate for the industry, representing the consensus view of our members on key issues, we engage with Federal, State and Local governments as a trusted adviser.  We seek to inform government on issues facing the industry and members needs that is evidence- and fact-based.

The AFGC has four overarching policy streams to achieve this vision and agenda with sub-issues in each key area. The three overarching areas are Competitiveness and Growth, Nutrition and Regulation and Sustainability.

It is essential to the economic and social development of Australia, and particularly rural and regional Australia, that the magnitude, significance and contribution of this industry is recognised and factored into the Government’s economic, health, industry and trade policies.

Our policy response – Sustaining Australia: Food and Grocery Manufacturing 2030.

AFGC has laid down a bold vision for the industry: to double the value to nearly $250 billion by 2030. The vision is achievable based on robust economic analysis. This report sets out key policy initiatives the sector seeks to secure.

Federal Pre-Budget Submission

The Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) submission to the Federal Budget outlines a series of policy recommendations that aim to enhance the competitiveness and resilience of our critical sector. The AFGC submission builds on the landmark report Sustaining Australia: Food and Grocery Manufacturing 2030 which has an ambitious target to double the size of the industry to $250 billion by 2030. […]

Competitiviness and Growth

Australia’s food, beverage and grocery manufacturing sector provides a reliable and safe food supply, jobs and an economic contribution to Australia’s economy. As a national priority industry, the AFGC has a bold vision for the industry to prosper and deliver, founded on manufacturers and suppliers having fair and […]


The Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) stands by the importance of addressing sustainability matters as part of the future for the industry.  There are many issues that need to be addressed – and opportunities to embrace. AFGC takes the lead in identifying model sustainability practices and fostering […]

Nutrition and Regulation

The AFGC is committed to improving the access to safe and nutritious food and quality non-food grocery products for all Australian consumers, and many overseas.   Through product innovation, product labelling and promotion the food, beverage and grocery industry helps Australians make informed diet and lifestyle choices, responding to […]