Trading Partner Forum

The Trading Partner Forum (TPF) is the meeting place for fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) suppliers and supermarket retailers focusing on delivering end-to-end supply chain efficiency though collaborative efforts to reduce cost and complexity for suppliers and their retailer trading partners.

With commitment and oversight from the Australian Food and Grocery Council, the New Zealand Food and Grocery Council and leading supermarket retailers: Coles, Foodstuffs, Metcash, Progressive and Woolworths, the forum provides the platform for a broad-reaching, strong, and cohesive industry body. The TPF focusses on delivering efficiency and improving availability across the shared end-to-end supply chain which will ultimately provide great outcomes for our shared customer – the shopper.

In markets the size of Australia and New Zealand it makes a lot of sense to strive to align and standardise processes on non-competitive issues, to provide for the most efficient supply chain operations possible, and deliver benefits to the industry participants along the way.

The Executive Committee of the TPF is responsible for the identification of focus areas, the direction of the work program and the delivery of the output. The Executive Committee is represented with Senior Supply Chain Executives from retailers and suppliers. They meet quarterly and would welcome your suggestions for key industry work program ideas.

For further information on the TPF, contact Samantha Blake.

Click through to our Resources page  to access a wealth of open source free information and practical tools developed by the TPF and its predecessor organisation Efficient Consumer Response Australasia (ECRA) across a broad range of topics including:

  • Supply Chain Efficiencies
  • On-shelf Availability
  • B2B E-Commerce/ Data Integrity and Alignment
  • Shelf Ready Packaging and Merchandising
  • Loss Prevention
  • Recalls and Withdrawals