Market opportunities to Asia exposed

The Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) in partnership with Austrade has published a series of reports to deepen Australian industry understanding of the opportunities that exist within Asia.

The series of reports, released today, examine opportunities for specific manufactured food products – snacks, beverages, baked goods and condiments – in Malaysia, Thailand and China.

AFGC Chief Executive, Mr Gary Dawson said these reports provide a significant contribution to our understanding of the opportunities that exist for Australia’s food and beverage manufacturers considering exporting to Asia.

“Australian and international research has focussed on export opportunities for products such as dairy, meat and wine across Asian markets but there has been little focus on the opportunities for manufactured food products such as snacks, non-alcoholic beverages, and confectionery,” said Mr Dawson.

“AFGC Market Insights focus on three key markets: Thailand and Malaysia because of improved access under the respective trade agreements; and China due to the long term food consumption forecasts.”

“Exporting to Asia is challenging for many Australian food and grocery manufacturers, particularly SME’s with limited resources.”

“It’s critical for government agencies and industry to work together to facilitate trade and innovation,” concluded Mr Dawson.

Download the AFGC Market Insights Reports here


This activity has received funding from Austrade as part of the Asian Century Business Engagement Plan. The views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of the Commonwealth of Australia, and the Commonwealth does not accept any responsibility for any information or advice contained herein.


More information: Natalie Wimmer 0450 728 660.