AFGC’s Response to the WA Government’s Container Deposit Scheme Announcement


Gary Dawson, CEO, Australian Food and Grocery Council

Responding to the WA Government’s Container Deposit Scheme Announcement

The Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) recognises the Western Australian Government’s announcement to introduce a Container Deposit Scheme (CDS).

A single scheme coordinator is critical to ensure scheme alignment with the Queensland, NSW and ACT Governments’ CDS schemes that are currently under development.

A coordinated CDS with other states will be important in reducing inconsistencies between schemes which could cause confusion for consumers and businesses alike.

Industry has almost 40 years’ experience operating refund container deposit schemes in South Australia and the Northern Territory. We are uniquely positioned to assist the Government on the design and implementation of the scheme, with the aim of minimising the cost impact on consumers and ensuring Western Australia remains an attractive place to do business for the beverage industry.

We look forward to working constructively with the Western Australian Government to assist in developing a cost efficient container deposit scheme.



AFGC Media Contact: James Mathews 0407 416 002